2017-01-04 13:02 作者:王医生
在三博脑科医院11 年期间,已举办33 期显微技术培训班,有600多名来自全国各地的医生参加学习,近几年来,也陆续有尼泊尔、印度、塔吉克斯坦和巴基斯坦等国的神经外科医生慕名前来参加学习,下文是巴基斯坦(信德省,纳瓦布沙市)人民医科大学,神经外科主任Shams Raza Brohi 教授和同科医生Muzamil 参见学习培训后,给石教授的来信 ,如下:

▲石教授与Shams RazaBrohi 教授讨论病例
我非常感激你和你的团队安排了这样舒适的显微神经外科教程. 这给我们留下了美好的回忆。在我们的国家有这样的一个说法“寻求知识,你就要到中国去”。于是我就来到中国学习显微神经外科艺术,我认为这样的学习对学员和老师都是非常必要的。我永远记得你的一句话”要耐心”, 这是显微神经外科技术的一个原则. 教学医生讲课和多媒体非常精彩, 即使有时候言语理解有些问题,但我们总是从内心里感到热情、尊敬、尊重。我非常仰慕你的执着、能干和技术。我也欣赏钱海医生在全部学习班中发挥的重要角色和指导作用。我相信站在巨人的肩上视野宽广,你们改变了我的专业思维方式。
非常感谢大鼠和小鼠在实验中牺牲生命为我们提供训练。同时我获悉自然给于这种动物的特点,如他们用尾巴控制平衡和调节体温,紫外线视觉,不能呕吐,用腮须诱导大脑桶状皮层( 类似人类顶叶) 做三维空间定位。
Shams Raza Brohi
Dear Sir,
I am grateful to you and your team for keeping us comfortable during the microneurosurgery course. These were our memorable days. There is a saying in our part of the world “SEEK KNOWLEDGE EVEN YOU HAVE TO GO TO CHINA” so I went to china to learn the art of microneurosurgery. I think this course is very essential for the trainees and trainer. I ever remember your words ‘ BE PATIENT’. It is an essence in microneurosurgery.Lectures and presentations were excellent. Sometimes language created some problem but we always heartfelt the feelings of love, respect and honor. I am great admirer of your persistence, hardship and skills. Dr Hai also needs appreciation for playing a central role and a training hand throughout the course. It is true that standing on the shoulder of a giant makes the horizon wide. You have changed my way of thinking.

Many thanks go to rats and mice who sacrificed their lives for our learning. I also read about this Nature has provided this animal peculiarities like its balance and temperature control by its tail, ultraviolet vision, inability to vomit and 3D spatial orientation by its whiskers leading to barrel cortex (equivalent to parietal cortex in human beings).
Once again thank you very much for your hospitality. Hopefully we will remain part of your team. Convey my regards to your team and all participants.
Shams Raza Brohi
Professor & Chairman
Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences
Nawabshah, Sindh