(Surgical management of vertebral and basilar artery aneurysms: a single center experience in 41 patients. Acta Neurochirurgica 2013:155:1087_1093) 在欧洲神经外科杂志发表 石祥恩教授为了评价手术治疗椎基底动脉瘤的效...
Fluid-fluid level in cystic vestibular schwannomas: a predictor of peritumoral adhesion
夏 雷 张宏伟 于春江 张明山 任 铭 曲彦明 王浩然 朱明旺 赵殿江 齐雪岭 姚 坤 Abstract : Object: To evaluate the clinical results, especially surgical outcome of the cysticVS with fluid-fluid level. Methods: Forty-f...
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