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艾鹏辉等(神外6)RSC Advances-The relative length of dual-target conjugated on iron oxide nanoparticles plays a role in brain glioma targeting(IF 3.108)

2018-05-11 11:37 作者:三博脑科医院

The relative length of dual-target conjugated on iron oxide nanoparticles plays a role in brain glioma targeting†

Penghui Ai,‡a Hao Wang,‡c Kang Liu,b Tingjian Wang,a Wei Gu,b Ling Ye *b and Changxiang Yan*a

The application of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as a magnetic resonance (MR) nanoprobe for brain glioma is limited by the insufficient specificity and accumulation at the tumor site. To increase brain glioma-targeting specificity and improve MR contrast effect, dual-target has been employed. However, up to now, little work has been done to ascertain if the relative length of the dual-target plays a role in targeting. Herein, we prepared Cy5.5-labeled Fe3O4 NPs with chlorotoxin (CTX)/PEGylated folic acid (PEG-FA) dual-target of different relative lengths. The effect of dual-target relative length on targeting specificity was investigated by in vitro cellular uptake and in vivo MR/NIR imaging in brain glioma-bearing mice. It was demonstrated that the targeting ability of the dual-targeting Fe3O4 NPs could be modulated by adjusting the relative length of dual-target, suggesting that the relative length of dual-target plays a role in brain glioma targeting.


艾鹏辉等(神外6)-RSC Advances-The relative length of dual-target conjugated on iron oxide nanoparticles plays a role in brain glioma targeting(IF 3.108).pdf

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